Wednesday, November 15, 2017

An initial coin offering for augmented reality smart glasses: you only live once...

This advert - offering another cyrptocoin - specifically for *really smart* augmented reality smart glasses marks the new crypto-high.


  1. If DHL Logistics says it, it must be true

  2. The crazy thing is unlike most ICOs that fictitiously use other people's patents this company went to the trouble to legitimately use Jannick Rolland's (emailed to confirm with her).

    Still one of 850 and growing ICOs which are raising money on "decentralising" things which you didn't know needed to be decentralised :)

    If you think Luycd is bad there are much much worse examples. Hunting ground for fraudsters. Wish I knew how to short them!

  3. mmmm so they are going to compete with Magic Leap? Who has something like 2 billion ++ dollars and hasn't released a product.

  4. Who keeps buying these things? Or is the marginal cost to launch an ICO small enough so that people can just churn out hundreds of these and hope to hit it rich with one?

  5. Naaah...

    I only subscribe to the new ICO of the gold-plated nano coins based on distributed neural network AI hosted in the cloud with face recognition and social media connector running on an 3d printed IPhone X.

    The digital representation of these coins will be animated emoticons which can be sent on What's App and used to micropay for cat movies on YouTube!

  6. Magic glasses? Are they Mormons?

  7. I share your scepticism about ICOs but this is an investee company of an AIM-traded company tekcapital plc which has an IP commercialisation platform.

    I checked the website and there were no obvious red flags. The Nomad is Allenby Capital and legal advisers Bird & Bird, both of which are reputable. One of the private shareholders in the company is Nigel Wray, who is not knowingly legged over.

  8. ".... a company called Paquarium, raised $620,000 in a coin offering to build a giant aquarium."


  9. I love how Tulip Fever hit BD release recently. Quite nice movie.

    Best regards,
